Release Notes v18

Version 18.4 - 27.03.2024

Improvements for the user

  • Data sheet: The FileTree is now scrollable.
  • Data sheet: If files are downloaded from multiple FileLinks entries, the zip file will contain a folder for each entry.

Improvements for the designer

  • Layout designer: Searching for HTML IDs is now case-insensitive.
  • Data sheet: The ActionButton 'Export data sheet' writes String values with the additional text after the value.
  • Data sheet: The new ActionButton type 'Send Message' can be used to send Scope messages.
  • Entry designer: Matrix and table column widths can be propagated across layouts.

Improvements for the administrator

  • File storage: Optimized use of hard disk space.
  • Updated libraries: Postgres JDBC Driver 42.7.3

Fixed bugs

  • Kanban: The menu item 'save as home' is working again.
  • Table view: The menu items 'save as home' and 'save as bookmark' are working again.
  • Data sheet: Images were sometimes blurred.
  • File tile view: The thumbnails of files other than images were not displayed.
  • File tile view: The thumbnails of pdf files without background color had a black background. Now they have a white background.
  • Image editing: Images could only be edited once.
  • Data sheet: In the Firefox browser, the button to exchange a file of an extended FileLinks had a tooltip that was misleading.
  • Navigator: Nodes of the first sub-level could not always be copied.
  • Layout designer: The tour steps were lost when the layout was changed.

Version 18.3 - 01.03.2024


  • Optical character recognition (OCR)
  • File trees

Improvements for the user

  • Data sheet: In extended FileLinks fields optical character recognition (OCR) can be performed for pdf files and images so that these files can be found via the search.
  • Table view: The saved filters for the current table view have been added as a dropdown list to the filter sidebar.
  • Meetings: The description of the meeting is inserted into the e-mail with the text formatting.
  • Bookmarks: If the name of a bookmark is more than one line long, an ellipsis is inserted and the full text is displayed as a tooltip.
  • Preferences: The button to resize the main menu can be hidden.

Improvements for the designer

  • Data sheet: The new FileTree field type can be used to create an folder structure for files in extended FileLinks fields.
  • Data sheet: If the FileLinks field is not editable, the file list is displayed in full width.
  • Field designer: The ActionButton "create account" can now also create a connection to the new account data sheet.
  • Field designer: String fields now have a new parameter multiline so that these fieldsare displayed in tables and table views with multiple lines. Previously, string fields were only displayed as multiline in table views if these fields were visible on a layout and could be identified as multiline by their height.
  • Field designer: For matrix and table, the width of the columns can be entered numerically. This is then converted into a percentage width for the data sheet.
  • Layout designer: A Matrix can be expanded if it cannot be displayed completely in the Boostrap column.
  • Layout designer: The list of fields can be hidden to create more space for the page layout.
  • Formula language: The COLLECT function returns a list of values from the referenced fields. This is already done automatically in functions such as SUM, MAX, MIN, AND, OR, NOT. COLLECT is currently only required to fill table columns.
  • Designer data sheet: Rows can be re-ordered using the column headers.

Improvements for the administrator

  • Configuration: The new OCR feature can be configured with the new configuration parameters feature.ocr.enabled, file.ocrmypdf.path, file.ocrmypdf.acceptedInput, and file.ocrmypdf.timeout.
  • Configuration: The new switch mail.fromEqualToSender can be used to set that the same email address is used in the email fields sender and from.
  • Exchanged libraries: CKEditor has been replaced by TinyMCE.
  • Updated libraries: Grails 6.1.2; Apache Groovy 3.0.20; Eclipse Jetty 9.4.54; Postgres JDBC Driver 42.7.2; bcmail 1.77; Apache Shiro 1.13.0; Bootstrap Icons 1.11.3; PDF.js 4.0.379; flying-saucer 9.5.1; jsoup 1.17.2; jgit 6.8.0; jodconverter 4.4.7; metadata-extractor 2.19.0; log4j 2.22.1; gson 2.10.1; commons-compress 1.25.0; commons-io 2.15.1
    REWOO Scope now supports Oracle JDK 11 - 17 and OpenJDK 11 - 17.

Fixed bugs

  • Table view: If the table view rows could be selected via a checkbox on the left, deselecting previously selected rows did not work properly.
  • Data sheet: The last line in a table could not be deleted.
  • Data sheet: Canceling the changes to the datasheet did not remove the new files in the expanded FileLinks fields.
  • Data sheet: Sometimes the save button became active although the data sheet was not changed.
  • Navigation: If the main menu was permanently hidden and the navigator was displayed, the height of the menu was incorrect when displayed via the menu button.
  • Navigation: If the user displayed the navigator above the data sheet and selected an element from which the user is not allowed to read the data sheet, the start page was loaded.
  • Main menu: In the Firefox browser, an error message was displayed after resizing the main menu, even though the action worked.
  • Word export: The Word export of a data sheet with a table did not work if the table columns were restricted to a value range.
  • Meetings: Although there is a button to save changes and notify all participants, this only worked if you first saved changes and then reopened the meeting dialog and notified the participants.
  • Bookmarks did't work if the current page is not a data sheet.
  • Table view: The overlay to save a filter for a table view was not fully visible if many filter options were used.
  • Locked files: The list of locked files sometimes did not work if files were locked that were saved when the data sheet was created.
  • Layout designer: When a matrix was expanded for editing and a field was inserted into a cell by drag'n'drop, the fields were removed from the columns below the matrix.
  • Field designer: Email configurations could not be deleted.
  • Designer data sheet: The link from the designer data sheet to the user data sheet did not work when the designer data sheet was changed via the Navigator.
  • Type designer: The headings in the type navigator were difficult to read.
  • REST API: The method copyByButton didn't work if the optional parameters were not present.

Version 18.2 - 13.12.2023

Improvements for the user

  • Navigator: Layout is retained when switching to an data sheet of the same type from the Navigator above the data sheet
  • Meetings: The email notification now includes a textual description of the meeting because not all email clients display the content of the attached calendar file.

Improvements for the designer

  • Navigator: The navigator can be opened above the designer data sheet.
  • Navigator: The navigator remains at the target node when an incoming connection is archived.
  • Right management: In the dialog with the list of authorized users, it is now displayed if the user has a global restriction of access rights in his or her account settings.
  • Data sheet: For the CopyButton, the state of the new elements can now also be IMAGINARY.
  • Data sheet: For ConnectionButtons and ElementLinks, there are the new label types "full path" and "aspect path".
  • Formula language: The new USERNAMES function returns the names of the signers from a Signature field.
  • Help page: Hyperlinks can be added in the design view.

Improvements for the administrator

  • Data sheet: In addition to the two familiar strategies of copying one template to one destination and copying one template to many destinations, the CopyButton has the new strategy of copying many templates to one destination.
  • Meetings: The globally configured email sender is now also set in the email notification for meetings, and the inviting user's email address is only set in the from field.
  • Configuration: The protocols for editing files can be customized. Previously, only the WebDAV protocols for Microsoft Office files were used.
  • Scheduler: The file handling for external jobs is now platform-independent.
  • Scheduler: When updating external jobs, the rights of the configured command file are set to executable.
  • Account management: You can choose whether to show or hide LDAP entries already associated with REWOO Scope accounts when searching the LDAP directory.
  • Account management: There is a new button at the top of the list of account templates to display the list of accounts derived from a given template.
  • Configuration: A new config parameter search.tika.workingDir specify the working directory of the tika server.
  • Data Import: The import of xlsx files supports inline strings.
  • XML Import: There are new settings for XML import: Types can only be identified by name. In this case, missing fields are not created and values for these fields are ignored. Configurations for TableViews, Kanban boards, Calendars and TaskViews can be excluded from the import.
  • Updated libraries: Grails 6.1.0; Eclipse Jetty 9.4.53; Postgres JDBC Driver 42.7.1; DataTables 1.13.8; ckeditor 4.22.1

Fixed bugs

  • Table view: When the user clicks on a category in the legend, the table view is not filtered.
  • Kanban boards: The Kanban card could not be dropped if the mouse pointer was positioned near a String field.
  • Kanban boards: The data sheet links on Kanban cards did not work.
  • Data sheet: Semi-automatic connection buttons and the OTHERASPECTS function did not work on imaginary data sheets.
  • Data sheet: If the list of possible targets in a UserSelectedLinks field was an ElementLinks field and one of the selected targets was archived or rejected, that target was not removed from the list of targets.
  • Data sheet: In bidirectional PREV/NEXT, sometimes links could not be removed.
  • Data sheet: Custom javascript code failed when calling REWOO Scope methods.
  • Formula language: PARENTLINK without direction has only returned the target node of the connection, not the start node and target node, as described in the manual.
  • Account management: The button to create an account from a template didn't work.
  • Account management: Applying changes to an account template to derived accounts resulted in disabled accounts.
  • Configuration: The page layout of the global help and disclamer editor was incorrect.
  • Configuration: ETL configurations could no longer be created or deleted.
  • Maintenance: The RebuildAclJob scheduled job has skipped all of the accounts that have an access right to their login node.
  • XML Import: Importing an XML file failed.

Version 18.1 - 16.10.2023

Improvements for the user

  • Data sheet: In extended FileLinks entries, files could only be renamed if the Version column was visible. Renaming is now always available.
  • Data sheet: The help tour skips hidden entries.
  • Formula language: The formula action NOTIFICATION always sends HTML emails.

Improvements for the designer

  • Designer: A CopyButton can now be used to copy multiple templates to one target.

Improvements for the administrator

  • Formula language: The formula action NOTIFICATION no longer sends messages to admins and power users if they are not included in the recipient list.
  • Account management: If you make changes to an account template, you can apply those changes to the existing accounts that were created using that template.
  • Multitenancy: When a tenant is deleted, a dialog asks if the existing accounts should be terminated or converted to tenant-independent accounts.
  • Configuration: The list of message categories can be edited.
  • Updated libraries: Eclipse Jetty 9.4.52; Bootstrap 5.3.2

Fixed bugs

  • Data sheet: Downloading files using the data sheet menu did not work when only one file was selected.
  • Inbox: The inbox did not have a scrollbar if not all messages on a page fit on the screen.
  • The image editor didn't work.
  • Bulk Operations: Setting new values didn't work.
  • Field designer: The checkbox at the CopyButton field, whether one or more copy targets can be selected, was placed into the group of parameters for connections, but is actually relevant for all types of CopyButtons.
  • Right management: In rare cases, deleting relationships removed too many permissions. These can be restored by recalculating the permissions in the Admin Panel.
  • Account management: An account or an account group could not be created if the name contained a special character, e.g. a slash.

Version 18.0 - 04.09.2023


  • Dark mode
  • Navigator above the data sheet
  • Customizable main menu

Improvements for the user

  • User interface: In the settings you can choose between light and dark mode.
  • Navigator: The Navigator can be displayed above the datasheet.
  • Navigator: Above each column is a text box that allows you to filter the items in the column.
  • Menu: The user can rearrange the side menu by opening the settings.
  • Inbox: In the new view Archive the read messages are displayed.
  • Data sheet: In the data sheet menu there is a new entry to duplicate the current browser tab
  • Data sheet: In the file history the author is displayed.
  • Data sheet: Required fields in tables are highlighted if not filled in.
  • Data sheet: Versions can be displayed in a time slider instead of a change list.
  • Table view: The column with the checkboxes to select rows remains fixed at the left edge when scrolling horizontally.
  • File preview: The toolbar now has buttons to rotate the view.

Improvements for the designer

  • Formula language: The new NOTIFICATION action sends a system message consisting of subject and body to the specified recipients. If the message is sent as an email, exactly one email will be generated per message. With ##NOTIFICATIONLINK## a link to the corresponding datasheet can be inserted. If this link is used, the message will be marked as read in the system.
  • Formula language: The recipients can now be specified in the MESSAGE action.
  • Data sheet: The height of a table can be set in the layout designer
  • Designer data sheet: Even for old datasheet versions, the page with all fields can be accessed.
  • Field designer: For buttons, the label can be changed between text, icon and icon with text.
  • Field designer: An existing data sheet field can be copied.
  • Field designer: The dialog for changing the choice options shows the index of the options on the left.
  • Kanban designer: For Kanban boards, the column width can be changed without changing the font size.

Improvements for the administrator

  • Account management: In the Accounts table, you can now see whether the account is licensed, in trial, or unlicensed.
  • Account management: If a new account is created via LDAP search, a SAML account template can also be selected.
  • The application is now runnable in an iframe.
  • Updated libraries: Grails 6.0.0; Bootstrap 5.3.1; bouncycastle 1.75; zip4j 2.11.5; xalan 2.7.3; jsoup 1.15.4

Fixed bugs

  • Comments could no longer be deleted.
  • Email: The link to the datasheet in emails generated from system messages did not work.
  • Data sheet: If the datasheet.fileLinks.downloadOnClick configuration parameter was set to true, the file list stopped working.
  • Data sheet: The ConnectionButton did not work if it contained more than 1000 targets.
  • Data sheet: In the Chrome browser, filtering the targets of a ConnectionButton became very slow for many targets.
  • Data sheet: The error message of validators in date table columns was displayed to the right of the input field instead of below it.
  • Data sheet: When a file from Scope was opened for editing in Microsoft Word, it could only be saved once.
  • Data sheet: The image in an Image field could not be removed.
  • Word export: Images were no longer exported.
  • Table view: The filter did not work for columns with files.
  • Calendar: Items appeared multiple times in the timeline view.
  • Calendar: The timeline view was not scrollable if more items were displayed than fit into the visible area.
  • Formula language: The COPY function was not updated when the content of value_target or connection_target changed.
  • Code designer: If only one type contained code, the layouts of that type that contained code were not marked.
  • Field designer: No € character could be entered in the form field settings.
  • Account management: Deleting tenants did not work.
  • Account management: The avatar image could not be changed.