Release Notes v17

Version 17.4 - 17.05.2023


  • Fixed columns in table views
  • Open files directly from search results

Improvements for the user

  • Search: If the search result refers to a file, a click will open this file directly.
  • Data sheet: After saving, the scroll position is retained.
  • Table view: The tables are easier to use on mobile devices.
  • Navigation: Archived and rejected forms can be copied.
  • Menu: The main menu can be reduced to the icons.
  • Spanish localization has been improved.

Improvements for the designer

  • Table view: Columns can be fixed on the left side to stay visible when scrolling horizontally.
  • Table view: The number of table entries displayed in the group navigation can be disabled.
  • Table view: If the column with the element state is editable, you can specify the allowed successor states.
  • Data sheet: In the history, change times are displayed with milliseconds for designer to increase traceability.

Improvements for the administrator

  • Logs: You can use a calendar to scroll through the log file up to a specific point in time.
  • Configuration: The format for rendering image files can be set with converter.imagemagick.targetFormat.
  • Configuration: The cache for table views can be configured via a dialog instead of specifying the table view ids directly.
  • Configuration: The new parameter logs.pageSize can be used to specify how many lines of a log file are returned from the server at once.
  • Bulk Operations: The execution of bulk operations will be added to the user's list of running jobs.
  • ETL: Manually started imports are also included in the list of running jobs.
  • Debug script: Added database name, port and username to the script which creates a debug package.
  • Updated libraries: Eclipse Jetty 9.4.51; bouncycastle 1.73; fastcsv 2.2.2; jgit 6.5.0

Fixed bugs

  • Data sheet: Downloading multiple files in a zip archive only worked for some files.
  • Data sheet: On small screens, long data sheet menus were not fully displayed.
  • Data sheet: If the form contained date fields with customized format, changes could not be saved.
  • Data sheet: If the action triggered by a button took too much time, an error was reported to the user even though the action continued in the background.
  • Table view: If the user changed the sort order and then scrolled, the sort order jumped back to the saved setting.
  • Table view: In a bar chart with a choice field as the x-axis, the filter for the forms with unset choice did not work.
  • Table view: The number of table entries displayed in the group navigation ignored the filter settings.
  • Table view: Moving a date by a period did not work when multiple date columns were editable.
  • Inbox: HTML formatting in the message was displayed as code instead of being applied.
  • Preferences: The button to upload a new avatar was not clickable across the entire width.
  • Formula language: The function GROUPMEMBERS returned terminated accounts.
  • Authorized paths: The list contained terminated accounts.
  • Designer: For power users terminated types were further visible.
  • XML-Export: Sometimes the export did not work reliably.

Version 17.3 - 05.04.2023


  • Step by step form processing
  • Composite pdf documents
  • More flexible licensing

Improvements for the user

  • Image Editing: In addition to the jpg image format, Scope also supports the png, gif and bmp image formats. Please note that the images are converted to jpg and that certain properties of the original format are lost, e.g. the transparent background in png is replaced by a white background.
  • Form: Archived forms now have navigable links to other archived forms.
  • Form: If no forms are available for export using the ActionButton 'Create Report', information is now displayed for the user to adjust their input values.
  • Calendar: Timeline view now has a text box in the upper right corner to filter entries.

Improvements for the designer

  • Stepwise: Stepwise configurations can be specified for aspect types in the designer. This makes it possible to divide a form into a number of sub-forms that can be edited by the user one after the other. The user can click a button to move to the next subform. The Stepwise can also be used in combination with a role set. In this case, the user sees all the steps, but the current step is the layout that is visible at the beginning.
  • Data sheet: With ActionButtons of type 'Convert files to PDF' a single PDF can be created which contains all source files.
  • Formula language: The OTHERASPECTS function can filter the result by element status.
  • Formula language: If a formula consists of only a COUNTER or COUNTERIF, the formula will be replaced with the calculated value. This allows the user to overwrite the calculated value if the field is enabled for editing.
  • Data sheet: In the fields FileLinks, SpreadsheetFile and Image a naming scheme can be specified so that new files are automatically renamed when they are saved.
  • Data sheet: For data sheets that have been archived or rejected, the authorizations and authorization paths can be accessed.
  • Data sheet: Layout-specific settings can be changed for all layouts at once.
  • Navigation: By holding down the shift key, several elements can be selected and then the status can be changed for all selected elements.
  • Type configuration: When configuring an automatic connection to the data sheet of the creating user, a strategy can be specified how to handle existing connection. When a data sheet of this type is copied, connections to users may already exist. These can either be copied or ignored.
  • Kanban: Any field of the data sheet can be defined to sort the cards. This field does not have to be visible on the card.
  • Calendar, Kanban, Task View: Similar to the table view, a filter can now be set directly in the configuration for the other views, which will always be applied.
  • Table View: Normal users can also change the status of elements. This is only possible if there is a status column and its editability is set to 'Bulk Change'.
  • Designer: The field property list shows which TableViews the field appears on.
  • Type authorship: The menu item has been removed. The function has been integrated into the type properties dialog.
  • Formula language: The CONNECT action can now also create a connection to closed elements.

Improvements for the administrator

  • Licensing: The distribution of the licenses to the different types of accounts can be configured in any way. The distribution in the license file is only used as a setting after installation.
  • Licensing: An icon appears in the top left corner of the menu bar if no license is installed.
  • Meetings: One of the specified Jitsi servers can be marked as the main server so that it is preselected when creating a new meeting.
  • Account Management: The list of accounts shows a new column with email addresses.
  • Account management: For power users, type authorship can be viewed and edited for all types.
  • Bulk Operations: The value of TrafficLights can be changed.
  • ETL: If the import is to create a parent element and multiple optional child elements, the templates for the child elements can also be appended below the template of the parent element.
  • Updated libraries: Grails 5.3.2; Apache Groovy 3.0.15; Hibernate 5.6.15; Postgres JDBC Driver 42.6.0; Apache Shiro 1.11.0; Bootstrap Icons 1.9.1; PDF.js 3.3.122; PDFObject 2.2.8; Datatables 1.13.2; TOAST UI Image Editor 3.15.3; hotkeys-js 3.10.1

Fixed bugs

  • Navigation: No new elements could be created in the Navigator.
  • Navigation: The list of connections was not updated when the right of a connection was changed.
  • Image editing: Saving of changes did not work anymore.
  • Formular: When transferring values to a form of the same type using the ActionButton 'Merge forms', the changes could no longer be saved.
  • Formular: When the user changed values on the form, only buttons with text-only labels were disabled. The buttons remained active if characters from the symbol font were also used.
  • Formular: When a ExternalLinks was displayed as a button, the distance to the top was too large and disrupted the layout grid.
  • Formular: When cloning a form using a CopyButton, the connection defined in the CopyButton was created even if an identical one already existed in the copy set.
  • Formular: When copying a form using a CopyButton, the initial file tags were not set and existing file tags were not transferred.
  • Formular: When copying a form using a CopyButton, new files were copied to the server twice.
  • Formular: If the form layout was empty, the status history menu item was erroneously hidden.
  • Table View: Table views that were customized by the user could not be loaded if they contained columns that had been removed in the official version.
  • Table View: Users could experience errors when new columns were added to the table. The bug could be fixed by triggering a refresh of the table view cache.
  • Table View: If the sort order was changed in the view, the sort order would revert back to the default on page change.
  • Designer: If the default value of a ConnectionButton was changed at the same time, the strategy for transfer to the forms was set to 'update' and the flag 'only reference as value' was changed, then the changed default value was not saved as new value on the corresponding forms.
  • Designer: If a formula action that should only be executed on creation was saved in the default value and all data sheets were updated, this action was erroneously executed on all existing data sheets.
  • Account management: Creating accounts from LDAP search failed.
  • Access Rights: The dialog box with the access rights for the open data sheet displayed many of the roles more than once.
  • Formula Editor: In rare cases a field could not be selected.
  • Formula language: Follow-up actions triggered by delayed actions were ignored.
  • Bulk Operations: In the 'set value' action, the list of fields was not loaded if an archived type existed.
  • XML Export: Exporting to XML did not work any more.
  • Licensing: The super-administrator 'rewoo' was incorrectly counted in the number of licenses used in the last version, resulting in one license too few for the other administrator accounts.

Version 17.2 - 25.01.2023


  • Button to last table view

Improvements for the user

  • Table View: If the user opens a table view and then jumps to other views, a button is offered in the menu to bring back the table view. The selected sort, filter, and page are also taken into account.
  • Table View: Improved readability on small screens such as smartphones and tablets.

Improvements for the designer

  • Data sheet: Embedded table views can be displayed as a chart.
  • Table view: When the 'relative layout' option is enabled, the table is adapted to the visible area of the screen. With this change, table views that are visible on the data sheet will no longer overlap other parts of the sheet.
  • Designer: You can search for CSS classes and HTML IDs in the layout view using the search box. To search for CSS classes, prepend 'class:' to the search term; to search for an HTML id, prepend 'id:' to the search term.
  • Designer: Datasheet fields now have two separate parameters for tooltip and comment.
  • Designer: In the table of TableView columns, you can use the arrow keys to navigate.

Improvements for the administrator

  • Account management: The start page of the users can now be changed in the detailed view of the accounts.
  • Configuration: In the configuration of the search, you can set the preselected type and the preselected fields for the facet search.

Fixed bugs

  • Data Sheet: During the creation process, no rows could be inserted into a table.
  • Formulas: Sending mail did not work if the recipient list contained empty entries.
  • Table view: Changes to multiple values of a Boolean column were not saved.
  • Table View: If the x-axis of the bar chart showed the value of a TrafficLight or a Condition, the labels of the bars were wrong.
  • Designer: If a single apostrophe was used in the text of the e-mail templates, the templates could no longer be edited.
  • Multitenancy: If no accounts existed, multitenancy could not be enabled.
  • Configuration: Adding types and fields to the facet search only works through the designer, not through the search configuration page.

Version 17.1 - 22.12.2022


  • Calendar as timeline
  • Delayed actions in the formula language

Improvements for the user

  • Calendars can also be displayed as a timeline. The time period is displayed horizontally, divided into days.
  • Calendar: Events that have the same field for the start and end time can now be moved with the mouse.
  • Table view: In stacked bar charts, the segments are now sorted alphanumerically and the total is displayed in the tooltips.
  • Data sheet: ElementLinks fields containing links to data sheets for embedding are displayed in the history as a normal ElementLinks list.
  • Data sheet: Fields are no longer displayed in the history if the formula has changed but the value has not.

Improvements for the designer

  • Formula language: All actions can be executed delayed. To do this, the ExecuteDelayedFormulaActionsJob job must be enabled in the scheduler.
  • Data sheet: For extended FileLinks fields with tag column, tags can be specified to be set automatically for new files.
  • Data sheet: For matrices, you can choose between the previous and a more compact view.
  • Data sheet: The ActionButton to tag files can be integrated into the existing buttons at the associated FileLinks field.
  • Formula language: The DISCONNECT action can be used to remove existing connections.
  • Designer data sheet: The links in ConnectionButton, ElementLinks, NextLinks and PrevLinks are now named with the configured naming scheme, sorted alphabetically and displayed in a multi-line scrollable list.
  • Designer datasheet: For ConnectionButton that contain only a reference, the resulting links are displayed.

Improvements for the administrator

Fixed bugs

  • Data sheet: For ConnectionButton and CopyButton the button to select all visible entries was no longer displayed when the list was filtered.
  • Data sheet: FileLinks fields with editable images could not be displayed.
  • Data sheet: In the Firefox browser, the save button was sometimes not enabled when making changes.
  • Data sheet: In the Firefox browser, the editor for formatted text was always displayed with labels in the browser's language. Now the Scope interface language is used.
  • Data sheet: In the datasheet history, when a line was expanded, the next line could not be clicked and expanded.
  • Data sheet: The dialog for selecting connection targets correctly displays the name of the ConnectionButton if it contains HTML code.
  • Data sheet: CopyButtons, which created a copy for all selected elements and linked the copy to the element, generated an error if the list of elements was empty.
  • Designer: When using free text with HTML code in formulas, errors occurred in the display of the field list.
  • Designer: It was not possible to create e-mail configurations without an address book.
  • Designer: When all code was removed, saving failed.

Version 17.0 - 21.11.2022


  • Adjustable font size
  • Composite forms
  • New Icons
  • Formela editor
  • Version control for custom code
  • Multitenancy in account management
  • Updated technology

Improvements for the user

  • Preferences: Each user can change the main font size of the application in their preferences. All spacing and derived font sizes will be adjusted accordingly. Separately, the font size of the navigation can also be changed.
  • Messages: Inbox is now also available in a desktop-friendly presentation similar to the widely used web mailers in the market.
  • Messages: A scope message can also be sent from the datasheet menu.
  • Signatures: When saving value changes, the user is alerted to signatures that will be invalidated as a result. The user is given the option to cancel the operation.
  • Calendar: A legend explains the colors used.
  • Table view: For free text filters, a space represents an OR between two terms. To display only hits containing both terms, an AND can be placed between the words. The order of evaluation can be specified with brackets for more complicated search queries.
  • Table view: The values of date columns can be changed not only to a fixed date but also shifted by a period of time.
  • Table view: If a column with files is displayed, these files can be downloaded in a zip archive.
  • Data sheet: For Number fields, the history can be displayed as a graph. This must be activated by the designer.
  • Data sheet: When clicking a ViewButton, the user can use the Shift key to load the view in a new browser tab.
  • Data sheet: For UserSelectedLinks, a search field for a long list of entries appears in the selection dialog.
  • Data sheet: Images on the form are better adapted to the available space and are therefore displayed sharper in some cases.
  • Files: An error is displayed immediately after the file is selected, not after it is uploaded, if a selected file exceeds the allowed file size limit.
  • Manual: Since the manual is now also available in English, the manual references in the application will open the language version according to the user's language setting.
  • Bookmark: The dialog for creating a new bookmark can be confirmed with the Enter key.
  • Security: When users change their password, they are automatically logged out of all devices except the current device.
  • Security: Name and password in the login screen and the signing dialogs are explicitly excluded from spell checking. Recently it became known that even current versions of popular browsers send this sensitive data to cloud services for spell checking. Disabling this unnecessary check will close this vulnerability when using REWOO Scope.
  • Security: Session ID has been removed from links to edit files so that the user cannot accidentally reveal their session by sharing such a link.

Improvements for the designer

  • Data sheet: Table views can be embedded in the datasheet using ViewButtons. Header, table, footer and page navigation will be visible. Graph, filter, menu and buttons are not visible.
  • Design: The previously used icon fonts Bootstrap Glyphicons, Fontawesome and the Scope icon font are replaced by the Bootstrap icons.
  • Code: Javascript and CSS maintained in the Designer and Admin Panel now have version control. After saving, the changes are only visible to administrators and power users. Committing activates the changes for all users. The code history shows who has made a change, when it was made and why. A visual comparison with the previous version allows you to track each change.
  • Layout designer: ElementLinks fields with additional datasheets can be placed on the layout. For each linked data sheet, this bootstrap column is then inserted on the datasheet. If the ElementLinks field is not visible on the layout, the datasheets are appended to the bottom of the main data sheet as before.
  • Data sheet: Tables on the data sheet can be arranged not only in rows but also in columns.
  • Data sheet: CopyButtons for cloning an element can now also be used with the CHILDREN strategy. In this case, all child elements of the element you want to copy will be copied as well. As with the main element, all user-entered values from the real elements and all formulas from the sketches are used for the child elements if the real element was created from a sketch. All connections that have a correspondence with the sketches or that are visible through a ROLES formula on the sheets to be cloned are also copied.
  • Data sheet: For CopyButtons the strategy selected can be chosen for the connections. In the COPY function, a link list with possible targets must be specified in the fifth position of the parameter list. When copying, the user selects the desired targets. For each target, a copy is created and linked to this target via a connection.
  • Formulas: In input fields for formulas, the new pencil button can be used to open a dialog with a formula editor. This contains a text input with syntax highlighting, lists with the most important formula terms and a navigator for inserting references.
  • Table view, Kanban, Calendar: Access to the views can be restricted to selected user groups.
  • Table view: Also FileLinks fields can be displayed as column in table views.
  • User information: With the activation of the configuration switch app.disclaimer.enabled, an information dialog can be displayed to the users directly after login. The user can suppress the repeated display. However, the information will be displayed to the user again if the text has changed.
  • Table view: Forms with template status can be included in table views.
  • Navigator: Clicking on the right side of a connection splits the navigator and displays both sides of the connection.
  • Navigator: Clicking on the right of a connection opens the dialog for changing this right.
  • Kanban: View can be scaled to 60%, 80% or 100%.
  • Data sheet: The new ActionButton 'Change State' allows the designer to delegate changing the state of an element to the user.
  • Data sheet: In extended FileLinks fields there is a new column for tags.
  • Data sheet: With the new ActionButton 'Set File Tags' files can be tagged in an extended FileLinks field.
  • Data sheet: With the new ActionButton 'Convert Files to PDF' the user can convert all files of a FileLinks field to PDF and save them in another FileLinks field. The designer takes care of selecting the fields.
  • Data sheet: UserSelectedLinks can also be changed on templates.
  • Formula language: For the MESSAGE and ALERT actions, the message text can now also be specified via a reference to a String field or a RichText field.
  • Formula language: The NUMBERTOWORDS function can be used to output a numerical value in words.
  • Formula language: The CONNECT action can now distinguish between deleting existing relationships whose start node is the button node or whose target node is the button node.
  • Data sheet: If the new format Color is used for a String field, a color value can be selected with a tool. This color field can be selected in a calendar as a category to color the events.
  • Formula language: A filter can also be defined for ViewButtons with KANBAN formula.
  • Formula language: In the TABLEVIEW function, a ElementLinks field can be compared with the new USERHOME constant in the filter. This constant represents the home node of the user who is currently logged in.
  • Formula language: The PERIODIC function also allows a free text in ISO format yyyy-MM-dd as date.
  • Formula language: If a formula would create a cycle, all formulas of the cycle are listed in the log file.
  • Layout Designer: When you select a field in the list, the field is automatically scrolled into the visible area of the layout and highlighted.
  • Layout Designer: For tables, a column can be inserted or removed at any position.
  • Layout Designer: Fields in a matrix can be removed by holding down the Alt key and clicking on the field.
  • Navigator: After copying an element, the view returns to the Navigator.
  • Data sheet: The style of each button on the data sheet can be set individually.
  • Data sheet: The global switch datasheet.table.buttonPosition for the position of buttons on an editable table can be overridden in the field configuration.
  • Data sheet: For Table and Matrix fields you can configure whether the rows have an alternating gray background.
  • Data sheet: For Matrix fields, you can configure whether borders are displayed.
  • Data sheet: The toolbar of RichText fields can be configured.
  • Data sheet: For the ActionButton 'Send e-mail' it is possible to configure that the user who performs the action is added to the CC.
  • Data sheet: The footer of the datasheet lists all embedded datasheets with links to each datasheet, to all value pages, and to the Designer.
  • Layout Designer: When you remove parts of the layout, all affected fields in the field list are marked as hidden immediately, not after you save the layout.
  • Designer: For the Code, Email Configuration, File Templates and Authors subpages, the types with stored data are highlighted.
  • Designer: For Calendar, Kanban and Table views, the links to the other views in this group are displayed below the group selection.
  • Global menu: If the designer reduces the global menu to the icons, this setting is now saved and will not be lost when logging off.

Improvements for the administrator

  • Multitenancy: User management can be divided into multiple tenants. To do this, enable the feature.multitenancy.enabled configuration switch. After that, a new menu item Tenants appears in the Account Administration. Only tenant-independent admins can open this tenant management and create new tenants. Each tenant can create a predefined maximum number of standard, concurrent, and group accounts.
  • Account management: Accounts of type standard or concurrent can be given the right to open the account management. If these users are assigned to a tenant, they will only be able to view accounts belonging to that tenant.
  • Bulk Operations: The IN operator has been added to the filter by values, which can be used to match values in the database against a list of values. This list must be specified in JSON notation, e.g. ["new", "assigned"] returns all elements that contain either new or assigned in the specified field.
  • Account management: Authentication type has been added to accounts and account templates. Basic is authentication by name or email and password provided by Scope itself. LDAP requires a working configuration of an LDAP or Active Directory server. SAML requires a connection to a SAML service like ADFS.
    Impact: Only accounts with LDAP authentication type can be logged in via an LDAP server. SAML accounts are not prompted for a password during signing. If the user is authenticated via SAML but needs to enter a password when signing, the account must be switched to Basic or LDAP, but the login must be via /auth/loginSaml2 or auth.redirect must be set to saml.
  • Configuration: The new switches feature.bookmarks.enabled, feature.calendar.enabled, feature.imageEditor.enabled, feature.kanban.enabled, feature.meetings.enabled, feature.messages.enabled, feature.saml2.enabled und feature.taskView.enabled can be used to deactivate the corresponding program parts.
  • Configuration: The datasheet.signature.forceInvalidationOnValueChange switch specifies whether the user is given the option to abort the save if the value changes invalidate signatures.
  • Configuration: With the switch datasheet.breadcrumb.enabled a breadcrumb can be displayed above the datasheets.
  • Configuration: The switch datasheet.footer.enabled can be used to hide the footer with meta information about the datasheet.
  • Configuration: The switches tableview.chart.defaultColor, tableview.chart.defaultColors, tableview.chart.emptyColor, tableview.chart.redColor, tableview.chart.yellowColor und tableview.chart.greenColor can be used to configure the colors for the charts above the table views.
  • Configuration: With the switches calendar.defaultColor, calendar.colors und calendar.emptyColor the colors for events in a calendar can be configured.
  • Configuration: For the WYSIWYG editors in the software, datasheet.richtext.buttons can be used to set the visible buttons and datasheet.richtext.resizable to enable resizing.
  • Configuration: The tableview.groups.expand switch can be used to specify which groups are initially opened in the table view list.
  • Configuration: For the account table, the number of rows can be configured with account.list.pageLength and account.list.lengthMenu.
  • Configuration: Number ranges can be deleted.
  • Configuration: The hash algorithm for the checksum of files can also be selected from the algorithms SHA3_224, SHA3_256, SHA3_384 and SHA3_512 available since Java 9.
  • Configuration: The new switch search.phonetic.maxCodeLength can be used to set the maximum length of the phonetic code. The longer the phonetic code the more exactly the hits correspond to the entered search term.
  • Scheduler: When updating installed jobs, the job configuration is merged with the existing one and checked in to git.
  • Admin Panel: In the Admin Panel you can download a zip archive of the files for which the rendering failed.
  • Admin Panel: Analysis provides an overview of all data fields sorted by data type.
  • REST API: The getTableViewData function observes the filter expression in the table view configuration.
  • Updated libraries: Bootstrap 5.2.1; Grails 5.2.4; Eclipse Jetty 9.4.49; Apache Groovy 3.0.13; Hibernate 5.6.9; Postgres JDBC Driver 42.5.0; Spring-Boot 2.7.0; Apache Tika 1.28.5; Apache Shiro 1.10.0; java-saml 2.9.0; PDF.js 2.13.216; pdfobject.js 2.2.7; CodeMirror 5.65.8; DataTables 1.12.1; TUI Calendar 1.15.3; TUI Image Editor 3.15.3; jxls 2.12.0; Apache POI 4.1.2; fastcsv 2.2.0; zip4j 2.11.2; log4j 2.19.0; jsoup 1.15.3; gson 2.9.0; Flying Saucer 9.1.22; Metadata Extractor 2.18.0; bcmail 1.70; jquery UI 1.13.1; Apache PDFBox 1.8.17; scope-client-rest-api 1.6.0
    REWOO Scope now supports Oracle JDK 11 - 15 and OpenJDK 11 - 15.

Fixed bugs

  • Data sheet: In the Firefox browser, cancelling the user's input and resetting the form to the last saved state did not work any more.
  • Data sheet: If a date was entered in a Date field and the calendar was opened and closed without selecting another date, the date in the input field was cleared.
  • Data sheet: If the date column of a table had a special date format, saving the datasheet would not work.
  • Data sheet: If the software was configured to save the contents when switching to another tab, an error occurred for date values in Tables that prevented saving.
  • Email: The email dialog used to display an error when multiple addresses were entered in the recipient field, even though the input was correct.
  • Kanban: The filter at the top right of the Kanban board did not work for date fields.
  • Data sheet: When multiple UserSelectedLinks were present on a datasheet, newly added values were displayed in all fields but saved correctly.
  • Data sheet: Images in extended FileLinks fields without file locking could not be edited.
  • Data sheet: If an e-mail was sent with the ActionButton 'Send e-mail' and the placeholder ##DEEPLINK## occurred in the used e-mail template, only the form name was inserted, not the link to the form.
  • Data sheet: If there were multiple SpreadsheetFile fields on a data sheet, the existing files in all SpreadsheetFile fields were removed when a new file was saved in one of these fields.
  • Data sheet: It was not possible to edit a file with a special character in the file name.
  • Data sheet: The option Comment as tooltip did not work for ViewButtons.
  • Table view: When table view was opened with a saved filter, the filter could not be changed in the filter dialog or in the chart.
  • Data sheet: If a CopyButton was used on an embedded data sheet but the operation was aborted on the data sheet to be filled in, the application did not show the original data sheet but only the embedded one.
  • Table view: the bar chart could not be used for filtering when a traffic light with custom identifiers for the green, yellow, and red states was used as the data source.
  • Table view: If the sort column was changed and the old sort column was removed from the table view, the changes could not be saved.
  • Table view: If a table view was opened with a ViewButton and then a filter was saved, the filter settings could not be adjusted after opening the filtered view.
  • Data sheet: When making changes to a template data sheet, the Save button was not enabled, meaning that saving was only possible from the designer data sheet for that template.
  • Designer data sheet: If formulas contained free text with HTML tags, the admin data sheet was not displayed correctly.
  • Designer data sheet: When saving changes, it was no longer possible to navigate back to the data sheet using the left arrow.
  • Designer data sheet: In the configuration dialog of the ActionButtons 'Create Report' and 'Start Scheduled Job' the dialog was incorrectly closed if an entry was deleted from one of the configuration tables.
  • Designer: With exclusive ConnectionButtons a strategy could be selected by mistake, although only the strategy Select manually, terminate others makes sense. If the wrong strategy was selected, error messages would appear when creating new elements.
  • Designer: Saving the configuration of Label fields discarded the font size set in the Layout Designer.
  • Designer: For ActionButtons 'Send Email' the selected template could only be replaced, not removed.
  • Layout Designer: The field properties dialog for Signature fields was incorrectly closed when a linked field was removed.
  • Layout Designer: If new rows and columns were inserted in the view for screen size xs, these new layout elements were broken after saving.
  • Formula language: If a IF did not contain a field reference in the value and a AND was used in the condition part, the formula did not work.
  • Code Designer: If the code designer was loaded with no type selected, saving did not work.
  • Account management: Element groups were not visible in the navigator for the login node.
  • Logging: User actions were not always logged with the correct username.