
Buttons allow users to perform predefined actions that are otherwise reserved for modellers or administrators, or that could only be implemented via lengthy processes. They thus simplify workflows and allow users to be authorised to perform defined actions and structural changes in the REWOO Scope world.


Function: A button for which a specific function can be selected in the designer, which can then be triggered by the user with a click. The following actions are available.
  • Create Account - Allows you to create new user accounts from user templates.
  • Change Choice Options - Opens a dialog to customize the possible values of a choice field or a multiple choice field. Values can be renamed and added. The button will be displayed as only shown in edit mode if the button is locked for normal editing.
  • Create Report - Creates a report from the data in Scope using an Excel template. This is equivalent to exporting a table view with a template, but has a few advantages:
    • can be made available to the user on any form
    • does not require the definition of a table view
    • is started as a background task, so it can also run overnight
    • saves the generated file directly in a FileLinks field on the form
  • Export data sheet - Exports the current data sheet using a previously saved Word template and saves it in the selected format in a FileLinks field.
  • Send e-mail - Automatically sends a previously configured e-mail to all stored e-mail addresses or opens the send dialog for manual sending.
  • Send message - Automatically sends a previously configured message to all defined users or opens the send dialog for manual sending.
  • Run ETL - Opens a dialog to select records to be submitted to an ETL job.
  • Merge forms - lists in a dialog all differences between the current form and a target data sheet and offers the possibility to transfer these values to the target data sheet.
    Note: Merging tables is currently not supported.
  • Start scheduled job - Administration jobs or specially created server jobs can be executed at the click of a button.
  • Write value - With the click of a button, a specified value is written to a field on any form; fields of type Boolean, Choice, MultipleChoice and String are allowed.


Function: Creates a new datasheet (or an entire datasheet structure) derived from a template in a predefined or user-selectable location in the REWOO world. This allows authorised users to create data sheets within a limited framework without having to be modellers.
Example: the employees of a certain department should be able to create a new order with all the necessary forms via a button.
Notes: A formula with a COPY functionn must be entered for the button to become active.


Function: Establishes (or removes) a connection between the current datasheet and other datasheets in the REWOO world. This allows authorized users to easily grant and revoke predefined access rights without having to be modelers.
  • Select manually, keep existing: the user is shown the list of possible targets; a connection is drawn to all selected targets, and the connection is terminated to all deselected targets
  • Select manually, terminate existing: as above, but all other connections of this type whose endpoint is not in the list of possible targets are automatically deleted.
  • Connect all, terminate existing: a connection is drawn to all targets without any dialog; all other connections of this type are deleted.
  • Connect current user: a relationship is drawn to the login element of the user.
Example: A clerk is to be selected from a list of employees for an order. The employee selected as the clerk is then immediately given access to the order and all relevant data sheets.
Notes: For the button to become active, a formula must be entered that calculates a list of possible destinations.

ViewButton (includes the former type TableViewButton)

Function: Calls a predefined view (Kanban board, calendar, table view or task view) via button. For table views and task views, you can also filter according to user-defined criteria.
Example: A table view is created that displays all orders. Buttons on the employee data sheets are used to call up this table in a filtered manner so that it only shows the orders for which the respective employee is the clerk.
Notes: A formula with a CALENDAR, KANBAN, TABLEVIEW or TASKVIEW function must be entered for the button to become active.