
REWOO Scope includes planning for video conferencing meetings using Jitsi Meet as conferencing solution. It is even possible to host and configure your own Jitsi Meet Server.

The meeting planning can be opened by clicking on the meeting entry in the main menu.

Adding a Meeting

Meeting planing

To plan a meeting, click on a time slot within the calendar view. In the upcoming dialog the meeting can be configured.

Add new meeting

Set your start and end time and enter a title. You can also add additional description text which will be used in the mail to the participants. You don't have to add the meeting details or link in the Description box. This will be added in the mail body automatically.

To add participants to your meeting click on the Attendees tab.

Add meeting participants

You can add other REWOO Scope users to your meeting by using the "Invite Scope User" Filter. Just enter the name of the user and click on "Add". The system will automatically fill in the relevant data (Name, Mail).

To add external users you can enter a Name and mail address manually and click on the "Add" button.

If you want to change the Server used for your meeting, click on the "Advanced" tab and change the values as desired.

Change meeting server

To save your meeting and send invitations to your participants, click on "Save and Inform".

Joining a Meeting

To join a meeting you can click on the link in your meeting invitation or you can open the Meeting view in REWOO Scope and click on "Enter" on the meeting you want to join.