Forms / Datasheets

The datasheet is the central element for displaying the data. The data and formulas are stored in the fields. The current layout displays a selection of these fields as a form.

Datasheet title

The title of the datasheet is also the name of the element. There are two ways to determine the title.


When creating a datasheet, the title can be freely assigned by the user. It can also be changed later by all users who have at least write access to the data sheet.

Identifier field

Alternatively, a field on the datasheet can be defined as an identifier field, where the value of the field is automatically taken as the title of the datasheet. This keeps the datasheet title dynamic, as any changes to the field will result in changes to the title.

In the type designer, the identifier button is activated for the desired field. Allowed fields are number fields and one-line string fields. The fields do not have to be visible on a form layout and can contain both a value and a formula. This way, even complex datasheet names can be automatically assembled from the values of different fields on the datasheet.

While on normal datasheets the title can no longer be changed directly when the title field is set, this is still possible with templates. On templates, the title field is only evaluated when copying the template and the title is taken from the identifier field.


Layouts are so-called form views, quasi compilations and arrangements of data fields. A form can have several different views, through which the user can switch step-by-step, or which enable the role-dependent display of data (Roles).

Layouts allow the data of the same data record to be displayed and arranged in different ways. For example, certain fields may appear on one layout but be omitted on another because they are not relevant there.


All data and structures in REWOO Scope are stored together with the time of creation and the creating user and are unchangeable. If users or connected systems change data or structures, a new version of this data record is created. All formulas referencing this data are re-evaluated; formula evaluations also create new versions of the resulting data sets. Any data state with the structure valid at that time can be viewed directly. This means that any past data state can still be viewed at any time and is not lost.

Element State

Deletion from the dataset is not supported. Elements have a unique state at all times and can change this state according to certain rules. There are three possible start states: Template, In Planning, and Active. Elements can only be instantiated with one of these states. There are two final states: Archived and Rejected. Elements with one of these states cannot be moved to any other state.


A template can only be seen and edited by administrators and power users. Relationships have no effect on visibility and authorization. Forms can be filled out, but the values are not versioned. Formulas are evaluated. Referenced values from Template, In Planning, Active, Inactive and Closed are considered. The state of templates cannot be changed. They can only be archived or copied to a real state (in planning or active).

In formula language, this state is called IMAGINARY.

In planning

A plan is a full-fledged element. Authorization is governed by relationships, formulas are evaluated, values can be changed. Elements in planning can change their state to active, closed, archived or rejected.

In formula language, this state is called PLANNING.


Active is the normal state of current elements. Active elements can change their state to inactive, closed, archived or rejected. Only active elements can be used as login elements for users.

In formula language, this state is referred to as ACTIVE.


The values of inactive elements cannot be changed, but formulas are still active. Inactive elements can change their state to active, closed, archived or rejected.

In formula language, this state is called ONHOLD.


The values of closed elements can no longer be changed - not even by formulas. If the values of closed forms are referenced in formulas, they are still included in the calculations. Closed elements can only be transferred to the states archived or rejected.

In formula language, this state is called CLOSED.


This is one of the two final states. Elements can no longer be transferred to another state. Values of archived forms are no longer taken into account in calculations.

In formula language, this state is called ARCHIVED.


This is one of the two final states. Elements can no longer be transferred to another state. Values of rejected forms are no longer taken into account in calculations.

In formula language, this state is called REJECTED.

Datasheet entries/fields

Datasheet fields are the actual heart of a data sheet form. They allow the input and display of data as well as the execution of actions. Different data formats can be realized by different field types.

The following field types are available:


Data format: Boolean expression (true or false)
Display: Checkbox with or without checkmark
Interactions: The user can set or remove a check mark. Alternatively, a formula can be entered whose result automatically sets or removes the checkmark based on a condition.


Data format: Predefined selection list of values
Display: A radio button list of the predefined values is displayed. In the single-line state, it is displayed as a dropdown list and shows only the selected value on the datasheet.
Interactions: The user can select a value (via radio button or dropdown) from the predefined list. Only one value can be set at a time. Alternatively, the selection can be removed ( Ctrl + Klick).
Notes: The list of possible values is stored by the modeler in the type designer as a comma-separated list. Using the ActionButton 'Change selection options', the Modeler can also allow normal users to edit the options.


Data format: Boolean expression (true or false)
Display: Different options are available, e.g. red or green boxes.
Interactions: The data field is only used for the graphical evaluation of conditions. It can also be used to trigger system actions.
Notes: Although Boolean and Condition are very similar, Condition differs in two points: 1) Check marks cannot be set or removed manually, but only result from the evaluation of a condition formula. 2) Condition can be empty as well as true and false (e.g. if the field does not contain a condition or the stored formula cannot be evaluated).


Data format: Date
Display: The date is displayed in the usual format for the currently selected user interface language. Alternatively, the modeler can specify a custom date format in the type designer.
Interactions: The user can enter a date either by direct input or via the integrated calendar.
Notes: The following placeholders are available for user-defined date formats: D (day), M (month), Y (year), E (weekday). For higher levels of detail, the respective placeholder is placed several times in succession, e.g. M = 1, MM = 01, MMM = Jan, MMMM = January. This scheme also works if a date field is to be output in a string field. Data format: List of links to other data sheets in REWOO Scope
Display: Vertical list with the names of the included data sheets. If the list is larger than the field, it gets a scrollbar.
Interactions: Elements in the list are clickable links through which the user can navigate to the respective data sheet.


Data format: Email adress
Display: The email address is displayed and provided as a clickable link.
Interactions:Clicking on the email address opens the user's preferred mail program with a new email to the specified address. In edit mode, the user can enter an email address or create it dynamically using a formula.


Data format: Email files (*.eml and *.msg)
Display: The emails are displayed in an Inbox-like list. Information such as sender, recipient, subject and date can be displayed.
Interactions: Clicking on an email opens it in the preview. File attachments can also be opened in the preview. In edit mode, email files can be added and removed (drag'n'drop is supported). Data format: Web links or phone numbers
Display: The Internet address or telephone number is displayed as a clickable link or can be formatted as a button
Interactions: The link can be clicked. An Internet address opens in a new tab in the current browser. Phone numbers open the user's preferred telephony program (e.g. Skype) or start a call (e.g. when using a smartphone). In edit mode, the user can enter a phone number or Internet address or generate it dynamically using a formula. Data format: Files
Display: List of uploaded files
Interaktion: The user can upload files to the field or remove them. Clicking on a file name opens the file preview (if a conversion service is available for the file type). The pen icon when hovering over a file name lets the user edit that file directly (Microsoft Office documents and images only), alternatively there is also an icon to download the file.


Data format: 2 File entries (FileLinks and CopyButton)
Display: The file list specified as the first data field.
Interactions: Clicking on a file name opens a dialog for managing change requests. The second data field is a CopyButton, with which new requests can be created. The file preview is shown on the left, the change requests on the right. On the file preview, markings can be created as freehand drawings.
Notes: This data type must be configured in the designer or on the data sheet. The configuration consists of aspect type, level and layout of the requests, the fields FileReview, Status (Choice) and main element (ElementLinks) on the request, the aspect type of the main element and the FileReview field of the main element. The fields can be summed with SUM or SUMIF. So on the form of the corrector all requests of this user can be summed up and on the main element all requests of all correctors.


Data format: A tree in JSON format.
Display: A directory tree, which is composed of the saved tree and the directories of the files
Interaktion: The user can create, rename and delete directories. Clicking on a directory filters the files in all linked FileLinks entries


Data format: Image files or Avatar
Display: The saved image or the avatar image of the user is displayed on the data sheet. Avatar images are only displayed on the login data sheets and cannot be changed via the data sheet.
Interactions: The user can upload an image or remove it. Clicking on the image opens the large view.
Notes: An image field can only contain one image file at a time.


Data format: No data possible
Display: Two modes are available for displaying labels: Standard mode displays the label name as text. In HTML mode, a limited selection of HTML tags can be used to format the label name.
Interactions: None. This field type is only used to label and output of unchangeable text on the data sheet.
Notes: Unlike the other field types, label names may be duplicated. In HTML mode, the following HTML tags and attributes are supported for formatting the text: a (href, target), b, br, font (color, face, size), img (src, width, height, align, hspace, vspace), i, li, p (align), textformat (blockindent, indent, leading, leftmargin, rightmargin, tabstops), u. These elements are also supported in the PDF export of the datasheet. The only exception is the tabstops attribute of the textformat tag, which is ignored during PDF export.


Data format: Other entries/fields
Display: A matrix allows several data fields to be grouped together in a compact, table-like manner, whereby each data field can be placed in its own cell. To increase readability, rows can be alternately colored.
Interactions: None. The matrix has a purely aesthetic function. In edit mode, the contained fields can be edited as usual.
Notes: The following fields can be used: ActionButton, Boolean, Choice, ConnectionButton, CopyButton, Date, ElementLinks, Email, ExternalLinks, Label, NextLinks, Number, PrevLinks, SpreadsheetFile, String, TrafficLight and ViewButton.


Data format: Predefined selection list of values
Display: A checkbox list of the predefined values is displayed. In the single-line state, it is displayed as a dropdown list and shows only the selected values on the datasheet.
Interactions: The user can select one or more values from the predefined list.
Notes: The list of possible values is stored by the modeler in the type designer as a comma-separated list. Using the ActionButton 'Change selection options', the Modeler can also allow normal users to edit the options.


Data format: Numbers
Display: Two modes are available for displaying numerical values: In the standard mode, the numerical value entered is simply reproduced. In currency mode, the number is given a thousands separator and two decimal places. The characters used for decimal separator and thousands separator are based on the common format of the currently selected language. Alternatively, the modeler can specify a user-defined number of decimal places and digits before the decimal point.
Interactions: The user can enter a numerical value (with or without a unit) or a formula to calculate a numerical value.
Notes: The manual definition of the number of digits before and after the decimal point only applies to the associated Number field. If the Number field is used in a formula/reference and the number of digits before and after the decimal point is to be retained, it must be referenced as follows: @Number[AnzahlVorkommastellen.AnzahlNachkommastellen]
Examples: =@Ordernumber[5], =@Amount[2.2] Data format: List of links to other data sheets in REWOO Scope
Display: Identical to ElementLinks: Vertical list with the names of the included datasheets. If the list is larger than the field, it gets a scrollbar.
Interactions: Elements in the list are clickable links through which the user can navigate to the respective data sheet. In edit mode, data sheets can be referenced manually by formula.
Notes: These two types are specialized ElementLinks fields for building networks. PrevLinks contain predecessor data sheets, NextLinks contain successor data sheets. These data fields can be used to create dynamic data sheet references using the PREV- and NEXT-Funktion functions of the formula language.


Data format: Text
Display: A larger text field with formatting options similar to a text editor. In Edit mode, the selection of formatting functions is based on the horizontal size of the field.
Interactions: This data field provides basic text editing functions in REWOO Scope. In Edit mode, the user can enter, edit, and format text (font size, color, text alignment, bold, italic, underline, bullets, and indentation).
Notes: Unlike string fields, RichText fields have significantly more formatting options. However, the contained text cannot be further processed in formulas.


Data format: User Signatures
Display: A list of users who have signed.
Interactions: Clicking the sign icon opens a dialog where the user signs and releases the current state of the data sheet using their username and password.
Notes: Subsequent changes to the datasheet will invalidate all signatures. The modeler can specify which specific fields break signatures on the datasheet when changes are made and which do not. The modeler can also specify whether one must enter the password when signing. Signature fields can also be configured for a usage without password protection.


Data format: Excel file
Display: The file name of the uploaded Excel file is displayed as a clickable link.
Interactions: The user can upload an Excel file or remove an uploaded one. Clicking on the file will open the file preview.
Notes: The difference with FileLinks fields is that SpreadsheetFile fields 1) can only contain Excel files (*.xls and *.xlsx are supported), 2) can only contain one file at a time, 3) can be referenced in an EXCEL formula to read values from specific cells in the Excel file.


Data format: Text or HTML
Display: Three modes are available for displaying string fields: Standard mode displays the entered or evaluated string, as single-line or multi-line text depending on the size of the field. In HTML mode, a limited selection of HTML tags can be used for formatting. This allows, for example, hyperlinks and images to be displayed within string fields. In color mode, a color can be entered in HEX notation or selected in a gradient. This color can be used as a category color in the calendar.
Interactions: If editable, the user can enter and modify text. If the data field is multi-line, Enter will cause a line break. Strings can alternatively be created by formulas.
Notes: Unlike the RichText field, string fields do not have direct formatting capabilities. In HTML mode the following HTML tags and attributes are supported: a (href, target), b, br, font (color, face, size), img (src, width, height, align, hspace, vspace), i, li, p (align), textformat (blockindent, indent, leading, leftmargin, rightmargin, tabstops), u. These elements are also supported in the PDF export of the datasheet. The only exception is the tabstops attribute of the textformat tag, which is ignored during PDF export.


Data format: Andere Datenfelder
Display: The contained data fields are displayed in the form of a table, where each field represents a column. The table can have any number of rows.
Interactions: Clicking on a column header sorts the table by that column. In edit mode, rows can be added and removed, just as individual cells can be edited.
Notes: The following fields can be used: Boolean, Choice, Date, Number and String.

TrafficLight (includes the former type Indicator)

Data format: 2 Boolean expressions (true or false)
Display: A traffic light is displayed that is either green (both conditions false), yellow (first condition true), or red (both conditions true).
Interactions: If the field is not locked, the user can enter a condition formula or edit it. Otherwise, the data field is used only for graphical evaluation of conditions.
Notes: This data field has several representations: colored signs, colored hand signs, colored arrows, colored rectangles, colored condition labels. Data format: 2 data fields
Display: A list with the names of the data sheets created in the second data field.
Interactions: Clicking on the data sheet names navigates to the corresponding data sheet. Clicking on the field title opens a dialog in which the user can select from a list of data sheets (contained in the first data field) which are to be written into the second data field. In edit mode, the formula of the first data field can be edited.
Notes: This data field type saves the user from tedious formula input, as it can be used to populate list fields (ElementLinks, NextLinks or PrevLinks) via dialog. Possible targets must first be created in the first data field (ElementLinks). The targets selected by the user in the dialog are then automatically written to the second data field (ElementLinks, NextLinks or PrevLinks). There is a special case: If a ConnectionButton is used as the first data field and an ElementLinks field as the second data field, the user can create a connection to the specified data sheets via the dialog. The ElementLinks field is then automatically filled with links to the data sheets to which a connection was created.